Media review

On this page you will find all the articles that over the years have talked about us and in particular about our Goji. It seemed impossible to grow these plants in a territory other than the native one, but thanks to continuous research and the characteristics of the Sibari plain, we became the first agricultural reality in Europe to grow goji. We then discovered that our Goji has extremely particular nutritional properties.

Linea Verde

Linea Verde

The famous Rai 3 program talks about our cheeses, artichokes and Goji
Geo & Geo

Geo & Geo

A Rai 1 service dedicated to us starting from minute 47
Ambient & Ambienti

Ambient & Ambienti

Article about our Goji Berries and better nutrition
Radio 24

Radio 24

Podcast dedicated to us as the first company to grow Goji in Europe
Il Sole 24 ore

Il Sole 24 ore

Article about the best Goji Berries, ours
Italy Fruit News

Italy Fruit News

Article that talks about the studies conducted on our Berries
Natural cuisine

Natural cuisine

Explain why our Berries are rich in antioxidants


Studies conducted on our Goji Berries are cited

The carotenoids in our Goji Berries are higher than those in Asian ones
Weather Web

Weather Web

The records of our Goji Berries are told