Olio di Moringa Oleifera, proprietà e utilizzi - Azienda Agricola Favella

Moringa Oleifera Oil, Properties and Uses

As we wrote in our previous article, Moringa Oleifera is truly a extraordinary plant . Every part of it is edible and contains many fundamental and useful elements for the well-being of our organism and the health of our immune system. Many products are then obtained from the plant such as Moringa oil, powder, honey etc.

But here we will focus on oil, a pure concentrate of benefits and unique properties . Let's discover them!

Moringa Oil, from cooking to cosmetics

Many parts of this fantastic plant have alternative uses, and the oil is one of them. In fact, it is perfect both for human nutrition and for alternative uses that bring us many benefits in the same way.

Maybe you didn't know but this oil is obtained from moringa seeds, which contain 30 to 50%. Let's see where it is used!

Moringa Oil in the Kitchen

Being ideal for human nutrition, Moringa oil can be easily inserted into your diet . Even simply to dress the salad, the oil will give our body important nutrients : omega 3-6-9, vitamins (including vitamin C), potassium, antioxidants and mineral salts. The peculiarity of this oil is that it has a very tasty, slightly spicy taste, has very powerful organoleptic properties and does not go rancid.

Moringa oil in cosmetics

Like many natural ingredients we eat, moringa oil is also highly valued at the cosmetic level, useful for both skin and hair.

  • for the skin : thanks to the strong presence of oleic acid, vitamins, and antioxidants, this oil is able to counteract the advance of free radicals, making the skin softer, more hydrated and cleansed. Furthermore, with its purifying property, this oil is able to capture pollutants and promotes their removal.
  • for hair : with all the features we have described above, it is obvious that this oil is also perfect for hair! In addition to strengthening them, it manages to rehydrate and rebalance the scalp.

There is always something new to discover about Moringa Oleifera. Nice, isn't it?!

Keep following us to learn more about this extremely healthy and genuine ingredient! And if you want to buy our Moringa-based products:

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