Semi di Moringa Oleifera: per cosa sono utilissimi? - Azienda Agricola Favella

Moringa Oleifera Seeds: What Are They Very Useful For?

Before telling you all about Moringa Oleifera seeds, let's see what they are.

Moringa Oleifera is a plant with incredible properties : every part of it is suitable for human nutrition and brings us a myriad of benefits, one more important than the other. In addition to containing a very significant amount of proteins, it is rich in vitamin C (useful for strengthening our immune system) and many other mineral salts.

But let's see why Moringa Oleifera seeds are so appreciated!

Moringa Oleifera seeds, full of nutrients

Moringa Oleifera seeds can be considered as a real natural supplement , as a complete food.

First of all, from Moringa seeds a very precious oil is obtained, rich in oleic acid and which does not go rancid. Another peculiarity of this oil is that it contains a high dose of high quality proteins (about 60%), one of the few cases in the plant world. And the great thing is that proteins are a fundamental element for our organism: they regulate our metabolism and promote correct muscle growth.

In addition to extracting oil, Moringa seeds are also perfect for eating. But how? The simplest method is to boil them (so as to remove the outer skin): the flavor and consistency are very similar to that of chickpeas.

Another method of preparation is toasting, as you would do for example with almonds or pine nuts (either in the oven or in a pan).

But eating them is not the only solution! If you want to benefit from all the other parts of the plant, you just have to plant them! Just soak them in water overnight and then plant them in the ground. They grow very quickly but be careful: Moringa grows in tropical and equatorial areas of the planet, so it loves warm climates and fears frost.

But that's not all! From the seeds you can also obtain a sort of "paste" that, if immersed in water, is able to purify it (you can learn more here ).

Isn't Moringa amazing!? In our shop you can find fantastic products based on this precious plant.

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