Le incredibili proprietà e benefici della Moringa Oleifera - Azienda Agricola Favella

The Incredible Properties and Benefits of Moringa Oleifera

Few people know about it, and that’s a shame. The properties of Moringa Oleifera are nearly endless, earning it the name “Miracle Tree” for centuries. But before we dive into its amazing benefits and properties, let’s learn a little more about this incredible plant!

The Moringa Oleifera is a plant that thrives mainly in the equatorial and tropical regions of our planet. It typically reaches heights of 4–7 meters, but in the right conditions, it can exceed 10 meters! Moreover, it is highly drought-resistant and adapts easily to various soil types. We were among the first to successfully cultivate Moringa in Italy, thanks to the unique characteristics of the Sibari Plain in Calabria, where our farm is located.

But do you want to know its most important feature? The entire plant is edible! Yes, you read that correctly: leaves, fruits, flowers, and seeds are all suitable for human consumption and are packed with numerous nutrients. It’s no wonder that this plant has been promoted by the FAO. Check out our Moringa Oleifera-based products.

Ready to discover all its amazing features? Let’s get started!

A Perfect Source of Protein

Every part of the plant boasts a complete protein profile: each contains the full range of essential (and non-essential) amino acids required for human dietary needs, a unique characteristic in the plant world!

100% Edible!

As mentioned earlier, every part of the Moringa Oleifera plant is fully edible. Let’s look at the unique characteristics of each part.

Moringa Leaves

Moringa leaves are not only beautiful but also delicious! They are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. They can be eaten raw or cooked and have an extraordinary feature: 25% of their weight consists of protein!

  • Contain more protein than eggs
  • Double the protein content of cow’s milk
  • Four times the vitamin A of carrots
  • Eight times the vitamin C of oranges
  • Triple the potassium of bananas

Moringa Fruits

The fruits of this incredible plant (specifically, its immature pods), known as “drumsticks,” can be boiled and have a flavor reminiscent of asparagus.

Moringa Flowers

Moringa flowers can be eaten raw and are also used to produce a precious honey.

Moringa Seeds

Moringa Oleifera seeds can be eaten either boiled or roasted and have a taste similar to chickpeas. Another notable quality: the seeds yield a nutrient-rich oil (each seed contains 30–50% oil) that does not go rancid. The remaining pulp is a protein-rich compound containing around 60% high-quality protein.

Moringa Roots

Moringa roots have a flavor similar to radishes and are mainly used as a seasoning. However, caution is advised: consuming large quantities can interfere with nerve signal transmission due to a specific compound.

Moringa Powder

Moringa Powder is a versatile superfood that can enhance a wide range of dishes, from beverages to savory recipes. Learn more about how to use Moringa Powder in the kitchen or explore its health benefits.

Rich in Everything!

Moringa Oleifera is one of the best natural remedies for numerous issues: it’s packed with antioxidants (crucial for combating free radicals), anti-inflammatories, and supports healthy circulation, digestion, metabolism, immune system function, and hormonal balance.

More Than Just Food!

Beyond being ideal for human nutrition, Moringa Oleifera has many other uses:

  • Its oil is widely used in cosmetics for its renowned properties.
  • The bark yields a unique type of gum and can also be used to produce paper and a blue dye.
  • Leaves can be processed into a highly effective liquid fertilizer.
  • Seeds are invaluable for purifying contaminated water.

We know, we were amazed too when we discovered all the incredible properties of Moringa! That’s why we decided to cultivate it in the Sibari Plain—and we succeeded!

Check out our shop for fantastic products based on this amazing plant:

Comments (7)

  • Ma non doveva servire per l’equilibrio del glucosio?

    Eleonora Venturoli
  • Se a tutte queste ottime proprietà quando costano 500g grazie a complimenti.

    Giuseppe Faioli.
  • Sono sbalordito , dalle proprietà di questa pianta,,,,io bevo il thè di moringa

  • Buonasera, leggevo da qualche parte se non sbaglio che oltre tutte le proprietà, la moringa contiene la B12 ricordo bene ?

    Anna Cagnina
  • Non conoscevo questa pianta ….

  • Ho appena cominciato ad assumerla, per cui è troppo presto per capire se funziona oppure no, però ho un buon presentimento

    Fabrizio Tomat
  • Moringa


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